MAD Credits

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

—Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

This weblog might contain defects, and someone might want me to fix them someday. Therefore I will cheerfully give four (4) MAD credits to the first finder of each technical, typographical, or historical error. Similarly, significant suggestions will be treated as half (½) MAD. If you are really a careful reader, you may hope to recoup the cost of the time you’ve whiled away so far.

People who skim, shout and leave should not expect to receive rewards for criticizing the ways in which I punctuate, to say nothing of my punctuality. The former is udderly titillating to me, even when I screw it up. And I'll deal with the latter later. So be nice.

A post might someday contain a partial listing of all corrections and so-called suggestions that have been allegedly sent to me.

Send your comments, if you must—only via snail mail, to:

John Paul Spurgeon
25130 NW Mountain Drive
Banks, Oregon 97106

(My email inboxes are already overflowing, and I don’t want any urgent messages informing me of ways to rapidly reduce my mortgage to get buried in additional traffic.)

I reserve the right to amend the terms of this steal via SPECIAL NOTES TO SPEAKERS AND READERS OF EXOTIC LANGUAGES when transcriptions of this blog transpire.

Cf. Other offers.