
What's past is Prolog.

BARD (Tempest)

An interview with the author seemed to be the best introduction to this weblog, so here goes.

Q: Thanks for agreeing to do this interview.
A: No problem — it’s about time.

Q: Seeing as how many of these posts already appeared elsewhere, why did you bother to post them again here?
A: There are several minor reasons: I've abandoned dozens of blogs, added hundreds of characters, and contemplated many new ideas. The major reason, though, is that the themes running through the posts are easier to corral when the posts are all in one place.

Q: What are those themes?
A: The most important is that programming, like mathematics, can be both useful and fun. There’s more to programming than just getting a good grade or a good job. If this blog helps just one person fall in love with the joy of computer programming, it will have served its purpose.

Q: That’s a pretty fluffy answer. And these posts seem to be perfectly shuffled. What threads tie the pieces together?
A: Abstraction, Aha! Insights, analysis of algorithms, art, creative writing, cycling, dedication to craft, humor, interconnectedness, problem solving, style, ... You name it! If we like it, it’s in the tapestry.

Q: Let’s try another question. If we’re so into “computer science” and “teaching”, how come we don’t have a Ph.D. or an honorary degree or an algorithm named after us or something?
A: Watch it — people who imitate people interviewing themselves shouldn’t criticize their credentials.

Q: Is there anything missing from this interview?
A: Tip our hat to Mr. Bentley on your way out.


Bentley, Jon. Epilog. Programming Pearls. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989. 151-153. Print.